Regarding the lost readers, remember we are fishing in an infinite pool so there will always be those who leave and those who find us.

Coincidentally this is something they say in Comiclab the podcast. I recommend it. Its about two old friends talking about making webcomics and making a living out of it. But they talk about so many things that help people that don’t have a standard structured job.

For social media t hey say “the 4 C’s of social media. Creation, Curation, Commerce and Kindness” (yeah we know lol) and they mention how your own website is the main goal for your true fans

In resume there is one called “the 20 webcomics commandments” if you would like a good resume of what they talk and how they help.

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I have a love/hate relationship with Instagram. I’ll be very dedicated for a few months and then feel like it’s making no huge difference in any part of my life, or anyone else’s, and abandon it for a few months. Then the cycle repeats. 🤷🏼‍♀️No great advice just an acknowledgment that social media is tough!

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