Hello lovely you, well done for listening to your body, i remember (inexactly) reading a great quote about your expansion being as brave as your retraction, but i think knowing when to refuel and recharge is the only way to stay sustainable, sometimes worry about the #draweveryday type hash tags for this reason. In a world that worships business I think knowing when to pause is a skill. And thank you, for your support and encouragement of others. X

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I’ll be here when you return. Take the time you need. Take care!

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Art is all around us, we are here because of you

And it takes courage to face the day and talk about it. I just simply sneak it into my posts, but We know some of us would feel better if we expressed how we are feeling

An advice I heard was that instead of new year commitments, you should give yourself an opportunity.

If drawing is not happening right now then that means you have time to read that book, to call that friend, to fix that faucet and to go for that super long coffee chat with someone.

Its a blessing to have a new day, we need a bit of rest after our daily challenges so dont worry, take an opportunity to give a bit to yourself.

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Don’t worry, this isn’t Instagram. We’ll be here whenever you want to share. No pressure.

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A lot of illnesses and health issues eventually taught me that often, stopping and taking a break is actually the most productive option. Even though our minds might tell us different. Go you!

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I am here!!! feeling the same as you describe. In Argentina is summer and I think that good personal energy is very important. I am not writing frecuently as i did in winter....but I don't realy care. Inspiration comes at every moment, I hope so.

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